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Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Its easy. Try It.....

Components required :-

1] Any mobile which can be used as modem [either data cable/infrared/bluetooth modem]

2] Interfacing device [Data cable/Infrared Port/Bluetooth Port]

3] PC in working condition

4] Airtel Prepaid Simcard


Software Required:-

1] Mozilla FIREFOX1.5 or 2.0
[download it from ]

2] User Agent Switcher
[before downloading User Agent Switcher, read this post fully]
[download it from ]

3] Device [Data cable/Infrared/Bluetooth] Software
[this you will get normally in CD while purchasing]



1] Activate AirTel Live and Save Airtel Live Settings. Its free, so no problem.
2] Connect your mobile to PC via either data cable/infrared/bluetooth and install its modem software
3] Now Create a Dialup Connection manually with the followind details


Open Control Panel -> NETWORK Connectons -> New Connection Wizard
Click Next
Choose "Connect to the Internet"
Click Next
Choose "Setup my connection manually"
Click Next
Choose "Connect using a dial-up modem"
Click Next
Enter ISPName as you want
Click Next
Enter Phone Number as *99***2#
Click Next

Click Next
Add shortcut to desktop
Click Finish


4] Now it will ask for User Name and Password, just click Cancel.
5] Now Open Control Panel -> phone and Modem Options
Under Modems Tab select the Modem you have installed and click Properties
Select Advanced Tab. Copy and Paste the following code into Extra Initialization Commands and click Ok


Code: AT+CGDCONT=2, "IP","","",0,0


6] Install Mozilla Firefox 1.5 and run the application atleast once.
7] Now download User Agent Switcher from the address mentioned above.
[Note: User Agent Switcher shold be downloaded from Installed Firefox]
your home then dont worry. soon i will provide you another method>
8] After installing User Agent Switcher, Exit Firefox and Restart it.
9] Now Click Tools -> User Agent Switcher -> Optons -> Options
Select User Agents from left panel and Click Add Button and Enter the following details and Click Ok and Ok


Description : iFirefox/2.0
User Agent : IMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061010


10] Now Select iFirefox/2.0 as User Agent from Tools-> User Agent Switcher.
11] Now Configure Firefox to Proxy Server as mentioned below


Click Tools ->Options in Firefox
Select General Tab
Click Connection Settings button and make Manual Proxy Configuration
Enter All Proxy's as and
Ports as 8080
Click Ok and Ok


12] Now Open Internet Explorer Properties -> Connections Tab
Select the connection you have created and Click Settings button.
Now Enable Proxy Server and enter the address as and
Port as 8080 and Click Ok and Ok


Thats all you have done it.
Now use the dial-up connections shortcut from desktop and click Dial. Open Firefox and enter any Web Address you want.


in your mobile. You will get Access Denied. Now try to load some other adddress in Firefox. If it happens again then repeat it again on your mobile>


I have tested this using Sony Ericsson K500i, Infrared Port and Firefox 1.5. And i downloaded more than 500Mb for free of cost. Try and post your replies. Since i am busy in doing my project works, I will respond your questions only on every saturday.



Hi, This is the place where you can get support from Us. So ask your doubts by simply posting a comment with your name and email id. Name and Email fields are mandatory for us to help.

So don't forgot them to write.

Vishal : -I have an N 82 When i tried to install the "App Trk" on my cell all it says is "Unable to install. Component is built in." I tried saving it on both Phone memory and Card Memory and it just says the same thing... What can i do?

Sol : - Hi Vishal, this may occur due to the following reasons

1. your firmware is up to date and it restricts us from install such type of applications which directly effects it's platform security. If it is the case we can install it only the firm allows us to hack that means you should have a older firm ware.

2.turn off the online certificate check in application manager and try to install the two app trk applications to install.

:- Pls generate key for opera 8.65 since I do not have a PC. My Imei is: 352757013687255

Key:- 4171431223

imr26 Q:-sir ! i cant extract 00000001.rar file to C drive. so i cant saw to C:\resource\swicertstore\dat\00000001. so how can i create dis directory ? plz help me sir !

Sol:- Hi imr26, this is due to the following 2 reasons

1. Not enabling the "SHOW HIDDEN FILES, SHOW ROM, RAM AND SYSTEM FILES " in your X-plore

2.By not installing ROMPatcher properly.

I recommend you to follow each and every step with a little patient.

Srinivasan Q:- i can't able resource floder in c drive wat can i do........ plz help me.... iam using e51.....

Sol:- Hi Sri, this may happen due to the any of the following two reasons

1. Your phone is not a hacked(Firmware hacked) Phone.

2. You haven't enabled "SHOW HIDDEN FILES" in X-PLORE.

Check these these two things.